Please visit your official examination provider website OR www.nictesting.org for the most current bulletin prior to testing.
The National Cosmetology Practical Examination is a licensure examination for Cosmetology, developed by the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC).
This bulletin contains IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding National Cosmetology Practical Examination content and administration for core services and additional sections and references.
For each NIC Practical Examination, there are multiple parts to every Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB):
Candidates are required to bring a supply kit for their own use.
Due to standardization of the NIC National Examinations, proctors and examiners are required to adhere to the following standards:
Failure to comply with any of these conditions or exhibiting ANY behavior that suggests an effort to cheat will result in immediate dismissal from the examination and the candidates’ actions reported to the proper authorities.
Please refer to your state specific guidelines for model and mannequin requirements. If your state requires that you use a mannequin head(s) :
The following information is vital and specific to the NIC National Cosmetology Practical Examination:
The scope of the National Cosmetology Practical Examination includes 10 (ten) Core Domain Sections. The Core Domain Sections are based on the national job analysis.
THERMAL CURLING (10 minutes)
HAIRCUTTING (35 minutes)
CHEMICAL WAVING (20 minutes)
The following outlines the scope of content covered by the NIC National Cosmetology Practical Examination.
Proctor - Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will prepare your work area for your client.
You will set up the universal supplies you will use throughout the examination at this time.
You will also set up the supplies for the following sections of the examination at this time-
- Thermal Curling,
- Haircutting.
Additional verbal instruction specific to state guidelines
Plug your curling iron in at this time. (Read only if hot iron is used)
You will prepare your client for services.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 15 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 8 minutes remaining.
Do not demonstrate any procedures until the verbal instructions are given and you are instructed to begin.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
1.1 Disinfects all work areas completely with product labeled with manufacturer’s label in English as EPA-registered disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal
1.2 Sanitizes hands with product with manufacturer’s label in English
1.3 Sets up supplies for Client 1
1.4 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in correct containers throughout section
Proctor - Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before the timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will perform Thermal Curling.
You will form four curls on the top of the head.
You will have 10 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 5 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
2.1 Thermal curling supplies and implements are visibly clean
2.2 Tests temperature of iron
2.3 Subsections hair for thermal curling
2.4 Demonstrates safe use of iron
2.5 Final appearance of four curls
2.6 Maintains thermal draping throughout section
2.7 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in correct containers throughout section
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before the timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will perform a Haircut.
You will complete a basic layered haircut using razor and shears.
You will cut at least 1 inch of hair throughout the haircut.
Do not remove your hair clippings from your work area until you are instructed individually by the examiner to do so.
You will have 35 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 18 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
3.1 Haircutting supplies and implements are visibly clean
3.2 Subsections hair for Haircutting
3.3 Demonstrates safe use of razor
3.4 Demonstrates safe use of shears
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before the timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
Examiner – Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually:
“May I please use your comb to check the haircut?”
Examiner – Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually after the final appearance of the haircut has been examined:
“Please clean up your hair at this time. Upon completion, please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
3.6 Removes hair from work area
3.7 Maintains drape throughout section
3.8 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in correct containers throughout section
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read when all examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed:
“All examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to candidates when all examiners have indicated they have completed their assessment:
“All examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed. Examiners please rotate at this time.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will breakdown your work area and dispose of supplies used in the previous sections of
this examination.
You will prepare your work area for a NEW client.
You will set up the universal supplies for the remainder of the examination at this time.
You will also set up the supplies for the following sections of the examination at this time-
- Chemical Waving,
- Predisposition Test and Strand Test,
- Highlighting with Foil, Virgin Application,
- Hair Color Retouch,
- Virgin Hair Relaxer Application.
Additional verbal instruction specific to state guidelines
Plug your wax pot in at this time. (Review your state examination guidelines)
You will prepare your client for chemical services.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 15 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 8 minutes remaining.
Do not demonstrate any procedures until the verbal instructions are given and you are instructed to begin.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
4.1 Disinfects all work areas completely with product labeled with manufacturer’s label in English as EPA-registered disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal
4.2 Sanitizes hands with product with manufacturer’s label in English
4.3 Sets up supplies for Client 2 labeled in English
4.4 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in correct containers throughout section
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will perform Chemical Waving.
You will wrap the entire center back section of the head, from crown to nape.
Once you are finished wrapping, please step back and do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.
You will have 20 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 10 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
5.1 Chemical waving supplies are labeled in English and implements are visibly clean
5.2 Subsections hair for chemical waving
5.3 Wraps hair
5.4 Correct rod and band placement used throughout entire section
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before the timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
Examiner – Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually:
“Please demonstrate saturation on the first three rods”
Examiner – Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually:
“Please demonstrate a test curl.”
Examiner – Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually once the test curl has been examined:
“Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read when all examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed:
“All examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed.
You will remove all rods from the head and create 5 sections for the remaining chemical services.
You will have 5 minutes to complete this section. You will be informed when you have 2 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
5.7 Maintains chemical drape throughout section
5.8 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in a correct container throughout section
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will perform the Predisposition Test and Strand Test for permanent hair color. You will demonstrate the predisposition test behind the ear.
You will demonstrate the strand test on any single subsection of hair. There is no required wait time for results. You will have 10 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 5 minutes remaining. Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
6.1 Predisposition test and strand test products are labeled in English and implements are visibly clean
6.2 Demonstrates predisposition test behind the ear
6.3 Demonstrates strand test process
6.4 Maintains chemical drape throughout section
6.5 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in correct containers throughout section
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will perform Highlighting with Foil, Virgin Application.
You will place four foils on the top of the head from the front hairline to the apex.
You will apply simulated highlighting product from upper edge of foils to hair ends.
You will have 15 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 8 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
7.1 Highlighting supplies are labeled in English and implements are visibly clean
7.2 Subsections hair for highlighting with foils
7.3 Demonstrates foil placement
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before the timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
7.4 Final result of simulated product application
7.5 Maintains chemical drape throughout section
7.6 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in correct containers throughout section
Examiner – Verbal Instructions: Read to candidate individually once the final appearance of the foil has been examined:
“Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates once examiners have completed assessment for this section:
“All examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will perform a Hair Color Retouch Application.
The client has 1 inch of regrowth.
You will apply simulated hair color product to one section of the back of the head. You have 10 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 5 minutes remaining. Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
8.1 Hair color retouch supplies are labeled in English and implements are visibly clean
8.2 Subsections hair for hair color retouch
8.3 Applies simulated hair color product
8.4 Final result of hair color retouch application
8.5 Maintains chemical drape throughout section
8.6 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in correct containers throughout section
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will perform a Virgin Hair Relaxer (No Base) Application.
You will apply simulated relaxer product on one back quadrant/section of hair.
You will have 15 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 8 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
9.1 Virgin hair relaxer supplies are labeled in English and implements are visibly clean
9.2 Prepares for relaxer application
9.3 Applies and smooths simulated relaxer product
9.4 Maintains chemical drape throughout section
9.5 Places items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash in correct containers throughout section
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates: You will demonstrate the Blood Exposure Procedure. You will imagine the following scenario:
“During a service, you have sustained a minor cut to your index finger. The injury is such that you can continue with the service. The injury has not yet contaminated your work area or the client. You are expected to demonstrate the proper procedure for a blood exposure.
You are expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 10 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 5 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
10.1 Blood exposure supplies are labeled in English
10.2 Removes materials from first aid kit
10.3 Supplies and materials are visibly clean
10.4 Cleans injured area with antiseptic
10.5 Covers with dressing that is absorbent and secured
10.6 Candidate wears glove or finger guard
10.7 Disposes of all contaminated supplies
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed the section before timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now proceed.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor – Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates at the conclusion of the examination:
“All examiners have indicated they have completed their assessment.
Make sure that all kit supplies and disposable materials are taken with you.
This concludes the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, National Cosmetology Practical Examination.
Thank you for your participation.”
Suggested supply list:
Information related to labeling of supplies:
This list provides the references used to develop and support the content covered in the NIC examinations. References will be the same across exam types for each exam. Candidates are responsible for using these most updated versions of references, as these editions were used to reference exam material.
::: references ### Standard
Milady Standard Cosmetology and Foundations
Copyrighted 2023
14th Edition
Milady www.Milady.com
Pivot Point Fundamentals: Cosmetology, (101 – 113)
Copyrighted ©2016 Pivot Point International, Inc.
1st Edition, 1st Printing, November 2016
Pivot Point International, Inc. www.pivot-point.com
info@pivot-point.com; 847-886-0500, Ext. 7399
Today’s Class: Cosmetology 1, Cosmetology, 2, Basic Esthetics 1 & 2, Nail Technician
Copyrighted 2016
Melior, Inc.
Milady Standard Cosmetology
Copyrighted 2016
13th Edition
Milady www.Milady.com
Salon Fundamentals Cosmetology
Copyrighted 2014
3rd Edition
Pivot Point International, Inc. www.pivot-point.com
info@pivot-point.com; 847-886-0500, Ext. 7399
Copyright 2022 National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, Inc.